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Calderon uttalar sig i Ronaldoaffären

Nu har R.Madrids president Calderon uttalat sig om Ronaldo igen. Denna gÃ¥ng menar han att R.Madrid endast kan följa denna “sÃ¥p opera” och att R.Madrid har gjort allting rätt. Nedan följer nÃ¥gra citat frÃ¥n den underbart charmerande och oskuldsfulla presidenten Calderon.

“Look, this is a problem that wasn’t created by Real Madrid. Madrid are just spectators in this soap opera.”

“I would like to remind everyone that Madrid didn’t generate this expectation but the player himself, the club has been respectful.”

“We didn’t blow this all up. The club at which I’m president sleeps with a clear conscience.”

“Look, when a footballer leaves a big club it’s not for the money,” said Calderon. “They leave because they’re not happy with what’s around them, the sporting project, their family life, the coach and his decisions…

“In that case it’s better to let them leave.

“I don’t want a single player in my Madrid who’s unhappy. But we have the good fortune that in this Madrid the 25 we have are happy.”


Av: Gästskribent [Den här artikeln har importerats från en gammal version av]

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