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Igår kväll började det cirkulera rykten om att Sir Alex bestämt sig för att sluta som manager i United, efter mer än 26 år, eller så var det något annat stort på gång…

Alldeles nyss kom beskedet som all United-fans fasat för, Sir Alex Ferguson slutar som manager i Manchester United efter säsongen. Ferguson är idag 71 år gammal och åldern börjar att ta ut sin rätt, han har alltid sagt att hälsan kommer först, något som nu alltså fått honom att ta detta beslut. Likväl som det i mångas ögon kanske var väntat, så är det ändå en chock för de flesta.

Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson föddes den 31 december 1941 i Govan, Skottland. Hans tid som spelare innefattade bl.a St. Johnstone och Rangers. Hans tid som manager började 1974 i East Stirlingshire och fortsatte i St. Mirren. 1978 tog han över Aberdeen och satte dom på kartan som ett av europas bästa lag när de under hans ledning van Cupvinnarcupen 1983, efter att ha besegrat Real Madrid i finalen med 2-1.
Den 2 november 1986 tog han över Manchester United efter en misslyckad Ron Atkinson, resten är som man säger historia. Den första stora titeln kom 1990, då man vann FA-cupen mot Crystal Palace. Den första ligatiteln kom 1993, den första Champions League-titeln 1999. Sammanlagt tog United, under Sir Alex ledning, 38 titlar, varan 13 i ligan, 5 i FA-cupen och 2 i Champions League. Ferguson blev utsedd till årets manager 10 gånger och månadens manager 27 gånger.

Sir Alex (citat från officiella sidan):
“The decision to retire is one that I have thought a great deal about and one that I have not taken lightly. It is the right time.

“It was important to me to leave an organisation in the strongest possible shape and I believe I have done so. The quality of this league winning squad, and the balance of ages within it, bodes well for continued success at the highest level whilst the structure of the youth set-up will ensure that the long-term future of the club remains a bright one.

“Our training facilities are amongst the finest in global sport and our home Old Trafford is rightfully regarded as one of the leading venues in the world.

“Going forward, I am delighted to take on the roles of both Director and Ambassador for the club. With these activities, along with my many other interests, I am looking forward to the future.

“I must pay tribute to my family, their love and support has been essential. My wife Cathy has been the key figure throughout my career, providing a bedrock of both stability and encouragement. Words are not enough to express what this has meant to me.

“As for my players and staff, past and present, I would like to thank them all for a staggering level of professional conduct and dedication that has helped to deliver so many memorable triumphs. Without their contribution the history of this great club would not be as rich.

“In my early years, the backing of the board, and Sir Bobby Charlton in particular, gave me the confidence and time to build a football club, rather than just a football team.

“Over the past decade, the Glazer family have provided me with the platform to manage Manchester United to the best of my ability and I have been extremely fortunate to have worked with a talented and trustworthy Chief Executive in David Gill. I am truly grateful to all of them.

“To the fans, thank you. The support you have provided over the years has been truly humbling. It has been an honour and an enormous privilege to have had the opportunity to lead your club and I have treasured my time as manager of Manchester United.”

Sir Alex kommer att ingå i klubbens högsta ledning från och med nästa säsong. Vi på, inte bara vi som varit med genom alla de snart 27 åren, tackar Sir Alex Ferguson för allt han gjort med vår klubb.

Res med oss till Manchester!