» Nyhetsarkiv » Herrlaget

Fuck the trophies

Som den ofta läsvärde Mr Spleen skriver i senaste numret av Red Issue:
”… as rumours abound that the Gimps are about to go tits up as the banks refuse to re-finance their loans, it’s clear that the vultures are circling over the corrupt corpse of our once-proud club.
Bring it on, I say. Let’s have a clean break and start again.
Fuck the trophies, fuck the over-paid players, fuck the greedy agents, fuck the sponsors, fuck the 4 million pound a year-manager who is rumoured to be paid extra to attend supporters’ functions… fuck the lot of them. Let’s just be a fucking football club again”.
* Jag var inne på att Anderson skulle starta i kväll, men Wigan hemma känns inte som hans typ av match. Han får nog vänta till Leeds, precis som Owen. Känns som Scholes och Carrick/Fletcher.