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Not for sale

“The board noted recent press speculation regarding a possible bid for Manchester United.
“The owners remain fully committed to their long-term ownership of the club. Manchester United is not for sale and the owners will not entertain any offers.”

Tja, det var väl väntat. Men å andra sidan skulle ju inte Alex sälja ens ett virus till Real Madrid. Men när det började närma sig en miljard släppte han Snorungen utan att blinka.
Hoppet lever, vad som än sägs från tomtarna i USA.
* Hoppet om David Gills mentala hälsa är det dock lite si och så med.
“The green and gold campaign and the momentum behind that can get a bit tiring,” Gill told The Independent. “We understand people’s desire to protest and I think it is a minority. It’s a visible minority in the stadium. I think that (green and gold) minority will go away. A lot of people understand what it means but a lot of them don’t.”
Han tjänar alltsÃ¥ miljoner – vi betalar honom – pÃ¥ att slänga fram sÃ¥na plattityder. David Gill kan vara det största praktarsle United haft som boss sedan Peter Kenyon.
Han ger sig inte heller utan övertrumfar sin egen idioti senare i Independent-intervjun:
“But a lot of the other fans want to know that the team is playing attractive football, exciting Manchester United-style football, winning football. Who owns it is a bit irrelevant to them.”