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MUST vs Gill

David “Safe Hands” Gill pÃ¥stÃ¥r – igen – att klubben sköts fenomenalt. Inga problem. Allt är bra. Betala miljarder i räntor är bara bra. Inga konstigheter.
“We are never going to win (over) those people. If we won four European Cups in a row, there will be certain people who won’t like the owners and what they stand for. The anti-people were here before the Glazers.”
Manchester United Supporters’ Trust – MUST, där vi alla är med, eller hur? – slÃ¥r tillbaka mot Safe Hands.
Duncan Drasdo är ordförande i MUST:
“David Gill talks about the ‘anti-people’ (anti-Glazer/anti-debt) being in a minority. What he fails to mention is the hundreds of millions of pounds the Glazers have taken out of the club in interest, fees, debt repayments, personal loans and expenses all on top of the actual debt itself. 
“That is what we are against. What sensible Manchester United supporter would not be against that?These ‘anti-people’ are not a minority. We would challenge him to find one single genuine Manchester United supporter (who isn’t on the Glazers’ payroll, obviously) who is not against the hundreds of millions they continue to siphon out of our club. In that case surely every one of those millions of fans around the world is one of the anti-people.We are all delighted by the success Sir Alex (Ferguson) and the team have managed to achieve in spite of the Glazers’ ownership.
“But success on the pitch isn’t the issue here and never has been. David Gill is being disingenuous if he pretends he believes it is.
“It is about the hundreds of millions of pounds they have taken out of our club. No matter how much they pay him personally even he couldn’t keep a straight face and claim to be in favour of that.”
* Annars då?
Jo, Gill pratar om annat också och är vettig när han vill. Han säger att United ska göra allt för att stötta sin kriminelle supertalang Ravel Morrison.
Det är bra, förstås.
“He’s a great player and we are giving him all the support within the club that we can. We’re discussing it [the best course of action] and we’re helping him. He’s a very, very talented young player and the appropriate people within the club are making sure we assist him as best as we can.”
Här är förklaringen: