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Glazyrerna på väg bort?!

Mejl från MUST nyss:

[1]  Glazers to sell? Singapore float of MUFC?
You’ve probably seen press reports that the Glazers are to float at least part of their Manchester United shareholding on the Singapore Stock Exchange and that this is a precursor to a full sale.
Until we have more details we can’t give a full response but what we do know is we want to communicate with as many Manchester United supporters as possible and make sure every Manchester United supporter has the chance to share in ownership when the opportunity arises. It is quite possible that shares will not be available to ordinary supporters and that MUST will have to provide a mechanism for supporters to buy shares.
We’ll be contacting you tomorrow to ask for your help on this to spread the word. This could be the beginning of the end of the Glazers reign and the first step towards a bright new future for Manchester United Football Club under the shared ownership of people who care about our football club above all else.
In the meantime please do encourage every United supporter you know to register through MUST at
We’ll be in touch again tomorrow.
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