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Cole mot Benayoun

Chelsea och Liverpool har bytt liknande spelare med varandra.
Chelsea kom förlorande ur striden, sett ur cash-synpunkt, eftersom dom fick punga ut med 6 mille pund för Yossi.
Å andra sidan suger Joe Cole ut allt han kan ur Anfields amerikaners tunna plånböcker.
Vem som har gjort den bästa dealen på planen återstår att se. Jag gillar båda två.
Guardian skriver träffande:
Here are some Cole facts: he has only ever completed the full 90 #mce_temp_url#minutes 11 times in 56 England appearances; a third of his Chelsea appearances were as a substitute; the last time he played regularly as a central midfielder, his preferred position, was seven years ago at West Ham as a 21-year-old.
And yet the most interesting thing about him is the depth of affection he inspires. We all love Joe Cole. The media loves Joe Cole. John Terry loves Joe Cole. Chelsea fans loved Joe Cole. West Ham fans still do. I love Joe Cole. He’s our crush, our weakness, our enduring teenage soft spot. It may be a rather shallow and increasingly unrealistic kind of pash, but it’s still there, still cooking away against all sense of reasonable expectation. Cole is in many ways the most interesting player of his generation, even if this has as much to do with what he has not achieved as what he has, the player he would have been rather than the player he has become.